Generations Dental Care Blog

Gum Disease and COVID-19 — The Frightening Connection

September 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 4:10 pm
frowning man needs to visit periodontal dentist in Concord

Most people are aware that certain groups are at a higher risk of suffering from life-threatening complications if they contract COVID-19. Those groups include elderly individuals, people with compromised immune systems, and those with a high BMI. Recent research suggests that yet another group should be added to that list: people with gum disease. A periodontal dentist in Concord is here to discuss that research and how it should affect your view of your oral health.


3 Surprising Ways Your Oral Health Protects Your Immune System

July 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 8:20 pm
Woman smiling at dentist appointment

Although stay-at-home orders are being lifted, the fight against the transmission of the novel Coronavirus is still underway. While social distancing and face coverings have played an instrumental role in preventing the virus from entering your eyes, nose, and mouth, ensuring your immune system is in tip-top shape is the other half of the battle. Although a nutrient-rich diet, routine physical activity, and daily vitamins do wonders for your body, the condition of your oral health directly impacts your immune system as well. Therefore, a dentist is sharing three surprising ways your dental hygiene protects your overall health.


Why Clean Air at the Dentist’s Office Is Key During COVID-19

June 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 12:49 pm
Dentist hand holding dental spray tool

Clean air is not just threatened by too many vehicles on the roads or pollution from industrial factories. Although too tiny to be visible by the naked eye, some viruses can actually stay suspended in the air in microscopic particles for a long period of time and infect nearby people. That is why more and more dental offices across New Hampshire and the nation are investing in surgically clean air systems to protect dentists and the patients they serve. As the fight against the coronavirus continues, surgically clean air adds a critical extra layer of protection for dentists and patients alike. Keep reading to learn more about this innovative air purification system and how it can help keep you safe.


4 Concerns of At-Risk Patients, Answered

May 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 8:17 pm
At-risk patient at the dentist

COVID-19 hit, and suddenly even a simple trip to the dentist became anxiety-inducing for at-risk patients. Although the virus can infect anyone, those who are over 65 or who have a pre-existing medical condition are particularly susceptible. With a higher likelihood of contracting the virus coupled with the mandates to stay at home for safety, many began having concerns about their upcoming dentist visit. Here are four common concerns of at-risk patients, answered by a dentist.


How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

April 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 7:05 pm
yellow toothbrush with toothpaste on it

Most of us know that toothbrushes were simply not designed to last forever. This is evident when you look at a really old toothbrush and notice the frayed, worn-down bristles. However, the majority of people use their toothbrush for far beyond its recommended lifespan. Just how long is that, anyway? Keep reading as a dentist explains how often you should replace your toothbrush for optimal oral health.


Should Tooth Sensitivity Be Addressed By An Emergency Dentist?

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 1:20 pm
worried person with dental sensitivity on the phone with their emergency dentist

Do you feel a jolt of discomfort when something cold or hot hits your teeth? This is a common oral health problem known as dental sensitivity that countless people suffer from. In fact, past studies have estimated that one out of every eight people in the United States has sensitive teeth. This issue can be the result of an even more serious problem or something as simple as genetics. That’s why it’s important to know the signs of whether or not you should visit your emergency dentist or just use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. Read on to learn more about sensitive teeth and how you can tell if the problem warrants the need for urgent treatment.


Attention! Those Interested in Invisalign Need to Read This!

February 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 6:23 pm
attractive woman smiling while wearing clear discreet invisalign

With Invisalign, you can overcome a misaligned bite and straighten your teeth to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. But, there is a way to make the procedure even more efficient: with Propel Orthodontics. As you continue reading, you’ll learn how the VPro5 and Excellerator Series can take your smile and confidence to the next level in less time than ever before!


Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening: Does It Work & Is It Safe?

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 10:30 pm
powdered activated charcoal on toothbrush

Using activated charcoal is the newest big trend on the health and beauty scene. Kim Kardashian, Shailene Woodley, and Gwyneth Paltrow are just a few of the celebrities who promote this black, grainy paste for whiter teeth. But is this viral whitening treatment really effective and safe to use? Read on as your cosmetic dentist explains the benefits as well as the drawbacks of using activated charcoal on your teeth and how you can get the brighter smile you’ve always wanted.


No Dental Insurance? There’s Still Help Available for You!

December 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:44 am
woman smiling sitting in dentist chair

For people with dental insurance, there is one less barrier between them and excellent oral health. That’s because most plans will, at a minimum, cover at least one preventive care appointment each year. Additionally, it will pay for a portion of any essential dental care they may need that falls within the plan’s yearly maximum. But what about people who don’t have dental insurance? Are they to just give up on their oral health? At Generations Dental Care, we provide a means for everyone to enjoy the positive benefits of receiving consistent and comprehensive dental care. As you continue reading, you’ll discover how you can still visit your dentist with no insurance!


What Is the Dental Implant Procedure Like and Is IV Sedation Necessary?

November 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:56 pm
Relaxed man at the denstist

Without question, dental implants are an outstanding solution for missing teeth, which may explain why an estimated 5 million implants are placed each year. In addition to offering unparalleled strength and stability, they can also last a lifetime. But when you’re trying to decide on whether implants are right for you, it’s natural to have questions about how the procedure works, whether it’s painful, and whether IV sedation is necessary. In this blog, you’ll get answers to all those questions to help you make the best decision for your needs. Keep reading below to learn more! 

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