Generations Dental Care Blog

How Dental Implants Can Prevent Facial Collapse 

January 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 2:36 pm
closeup of patient smiling after receiving dental implants

Have you ever lost one of your pearly whites? Tooth loss is more than just a cosmetic issue. In fact, it can lead to a range of oral health problems. Missing one or more of your pearly whites can even impact the structure of your face. Continue reading to learn how missing teeth can change the shape of your face as well as how dental implants can help.


6 Reasons Dental Implants Are Worth the Cost

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 6:44 pm
dental implants against a blue background

One of the most coveted solutions for replacing missing teeth, dental implants have completely revolutionized modern dentistry! They’re able to fully restore lost teeth in terms of look and feel, and upon receiving them, patients are given a beautiful new smile that also functions better than ever before! However, if you’re looking to replace your missing teeth and aren’t sure if dental implants are worth the cost, here’s more from your dentist in Concord about why they’re absolutely worth it!


What Is the Sedation Dentistry Experience Like?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 9:12 pm
patient with sedation dentistry

You have a dentist appointment coming up, and you’re doing your best to stay positive. But the thought of dental tools in your mouth has always made you nervous. You want to keep the appointment, but it sure would be great to get some reassurance that you’ll be comfortable. Fortunately, sedation dentistry in Concord has you covered. You’ll be able to get the treatment you need without it being a stressful experience. Keep reading to learn what sedation dentistry is, what the experience feels like, and how you can prepare.


4 Important Questions & Answers About Sedation Dentistry

June 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 10:52 am
Patient undergoing sedation dentistry

You probably know a little about sedation dentistry if you’ve gone to enough dental appointments. However, it’s possible you still don’t know much about the field. In that case, you should learn more about it to see if it could help your long-term oral health. After all, there’s a reason why dentists offer it in the first place. That said, here are some answers to four frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry. Look them over to see how dental sedation can transform the lives of its patients.


Top 4 Freedoms to Enjoy with Invisalign

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 12:38 pm
woman smiling with Invisalign in Concord

Do you wish you had straighter teeth? If so, you might consider undergoing Invisalign treatment! Not only is the procedure quick and discreet, but they’ll also require fewer restrictions compared to traditional braces. Keep reading to learn about the freedoms of Invisalign you can expect to enjoy.


Preventing Oral Health Issues: Why Early Detection Matters

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 2:59 pm
Young patient in a dental chair

Some days it feels like you hardly have a minute to breathe, let alone make the time to fit in a dental cleaning. We get it, life is hectic. From shuttling your kids around to sports practice to long hours at work, schedules are tight all-around. But even though it’s difficult, it’s essential that you make the time to see your dentist about twice a year. That’s because early detection of oral health issues is critical for your long-term wellness. Below are the main reasons you should receive regular dental care.


The Top 3 Ways to Meet the 22-Hour Invisalign Wear Time

March 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 6:45 pm
example of Invisalign in Concord

If you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment, then you know how important it is to wear your clear aligners for 20-22 hours each day. While this may sound easy in the beginning, sometimes life can get in the way and interrupt your progress. However, your dentist in Concord suggests a few ways you can make the Invisalign wear time a smooth and simple process for a straight smile!  


4 Professions Where Invisalign Can Benefit You

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 11:58 pm
person smiling while being filmed with a camera

Are you in the market for a new job, a promotion, or looking to start your own business? Though having the drive to succeed and working hard are key to progressing in your career, a nice smile may also be beneficial. People in almost any career path may find having a beautiful beam appealing, but there are a few occupations in particular that can really reap the perks of having a problem-free set of pearly whites. Read on to learn about four careers where Invisalign benefits may go even further.


5 Important Benefits of Sedation Dentistry You Can Enjoy

January 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 6:02 pm
Man giving thumbs up for sedation dentistry in Concord

Sedation dentistry is a group of services that aims to safely and easily make sitting in the dental examination chair more comfortable. From light nitrous oxide sedation, to more relaxing oral conscious sedation, to powerful IV sedation, these calming services can make keeping your smile happy and healthy a breeze. But is sedation dentistry in Concord right for you? Dental sedation is used in a variety of ways for all sorts of different reasons that you may not have previously considered. Here are five important benefits of receiving sedation dentistry!


What Are Reasons a Root Canal Is Good News?

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — generations @ 7:54 pm
woman with thumbs up in dental chair

Snakes are like root canals. Huh? Well, both seem to have undeservedly bad reputations while they are actually quite beneficial.

Snakes do a wonderful job of pest control, their venom is often part of the cure for a bite from the same species, and researchers even studied the movement of snakes to create robots that can maneuver into small spaces and be an essential part of rescue efforts in the wake of natural disasters.

But this is a dental blog, so let’s get back to root canals. Thanks to cartoons, movies, and people’s imaginations, root canals have gotten a bad rap over the years. While root canals are something that many people should try to avoid, they do not deserve the reputation that they receive.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of root canal therapy in Concord from your dentist.

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